Thursday, 26 July 2012

First building structure layout 27/7/2012

Today we started off with Pythagorus Theorom. After Matt taught us and a few equations in class. We packed up and went down to the river to set out our first building site ( same width/length as the house we are gunna build over this course) Set into 3 groups of 8, we were asked to construct the site. With all the tools we needed, we put what we had learnt into motion. Width 7.2 length 15.5 teams were marking out there sites. After some confusion, we were all called into a circle. Noticing that everyone had been stumbling a little. Mark and Cam were to show us how it was done.
Following some key steps, everyone watched as they put it into motion

-Step out the perimeter and mark the 4 points
-Around them, 3 stakes were placed a metre out from the 4 perimeter stakes for the profiles
-The Level was then put in the centre (roughly) and we went around marked each board to find our FFL (final floor level)
-With one person behind the dumpy, one holding the tape up and another to mark the stakes at the right level. Stake by stake was marked at the right height
-Once all were marked, the batter boards were nailed onto the stakes, creating a right angle
-With one line up (board to board) it was our indicator
-One by one, with the measuring tape, the lines were put up. Always going back and re measuring them
-Once all four lines were up, they would cross over each other. Forming a cross section at each end to find our structual mark
-Re measured, with a little adjusting we got it flush.

We were taught alot during the build, such things as how to reinforce a post. How to tie/wrap string. To always check and re check. Cos once the concrete is poured, you cant go back.

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