Sunday 16 September 2012

Fascia re-aligned, mesh laid 11/09/2012

Fascia's re-aligned, netting laid down and building paper measured and cut for the next step. Fascia's that hadn't been fitted had to be measured out with the slope of the roof taken into consideration for when the corners butt into one another. But first things first, we went through and ran our eye down the facia's that have been put up and had to take out the dips/raises out. To do this, we had to pull out the nails and use a clamp (with a bit of off cut wood) was placed between the clamp and fascia with the other end of the clamp sitting on the blocking (between purlins) and was wound up/down to which way we needed. Then nails were tacked in, one above another for extra strength.

Using the drop saw, the saw had to be titled on a 45' angle for them to butt into eachother and 5' on the drop to compensate for the slant of the roof. The mesh went up, rolled from side to side, they were stapled down to the purlins. At the ends by of the roof, it was stapled 4-5 time in one spot. Then nipped off just after the intertwins then folded back and stappled again. That way, there were no fraley bits to snap anything on. The next step was to put the roof on but due to poor weather conditions, the building  paper and iron had to wait till a later date.

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